This Rental Agreement is made and executed on this paper on mention day here ( ex: 25th) Day of Mention Month Here(ex: May) month of mention year here(ex: 2014 )( DD-MM-YYYY) at mention city here ( ex: Bangalore ), by and between
Owners Name
Aged about XX Years,
Residing at : Mention Owner's Residential Address here
Hereinafter called the Owner on one part
Tenant Name
Aged about XX Years
Residing at : Mention Tenant's Permanent Residential Address Here
Hereinafter called as the Tenant on the other part.
WHEREAS the term “Owner” and “Tenant” shall mean and include their respective heirs, executors, legal representatives, administrators etc.
WHEREAS, the first party is the absolute owner of House premises situated at (Mention now going rented house address here ), which is fully described in the schedule here under and hereinafter to as the SCHEDULE PROPERTY.
- The Tenant has agreed to pay Rs xx,xxx/- (Mention the amount in words ) towards, Interest free fully refundable security deposit amount in the form of check
Security deposit amount shall be refunded to the tenant at the time of vacating the premises without any interest subject to deductions of arrears of Rent, Electricity, Water, Maintenance or damages of any.
- The Tenant shall pay rental amount of Rs x,xxxx/-(Mention the amount in words here ) payable on 1st day of every month of English calendar regularly and promptly.
- The Tenancy period, commences from XXth day of XXXX month of YYYY Year up to 11 (Eleven) month and thereafter the tenancy shall be continued by mutual consent of both the parties by making fresh agreement.
- The tenant shall use the premises for the residential purpose for himself and family. They shall keep the premises in good order and tenantable condition.
- The Tenant shall not run any business or any activities which is illegal and prohibited under law in the premises. The Tenant shall not store any dangerous goods or articles which are prohibited by law.
- The tenant shall neither sub-let, under let, transfer, nor assigns the rented portion of the schedule premises to any other person without the consent of the owner.
- The Tenant shall not alter or do any modification for the existing structure of the premises.
- The Tenant shall allow the Owner or his representative/s to inspect the premises at the intervals in the presence of the Tenant. The Tenant shall not encroach or use any other portion other than the portion let out to them as per the schedule herein.
- The tenant shall pay electricity charges as per separate meter provided and retain receipts for record. The Tenant shall pay water charges and maintenance charges extra at his own cost.
- The Tenant shall keep premises in good condition without any damages to the property failing which the same shall be deducted from the security deposit amount. The tenant shall hand over the premises in the same condition while letting out, with newly painted, failing which the same cost shall be deducted from the security deposit amount.
- In case the Tenant or the Owner wishes to terminate this Rental Agreement within the stipulated period or any extended period thereof he shall give 1 (One) month prior notice to either of them.
- The Tenant paying the rent regularly and also observing his part of convents under this agreement shall be entitled to the peaceful possession and enjoyment of the schedule premises without disturbance from the owner.
All that piece and parcel of the House premises situated at (Mention now going rented house address here ) constructed with RCC roof, consisting of 1 hall, 1 kitchen, 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms & toilets, along with facility of electricity and water. ( Note: Change these data as per your now going house details )
Extra fittings: 2 Tube Lights, 1 Wash basin, 3 Ceiling fans, 1 Geyser, 1 wardrobe in master bedroom and Kitchen cabinet.
In WITNESS WHEREOF, THE OWNER and the TENANT have signed this RENTAL AGREEMENT on the day, month and the year above written.
1. ___________________
Owner .
2. _______________
Tenant .
Above is the Rental Agreement which runs in India. You can see a similar
Residential Tenancy Agreement which runs in Canada.
References :
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