Sunday, 5 January 2014

How Diabetes Comes? How To Control Diabetes? Tips to Keep Diabetes Away from Your Life

Eat less. take break and eat as an when you are hungry. excessive eating will act as negative energy for your body.

Let me explain clearly.   The cause of Diabetes is not just only insulin. There are many factors which cause the insulin to not to function properly. 

1. High Obesity. - In this case our body is highly inactive and blood cells are less active.  Note this point. Blood cells needs insulin to open up their door to absorb the glucose from blood which comes after eating food.  So Pancreas generates enough insulin, and this makes the cells to absorb the glucose and convert it in to energy. But in the case of obesity, the generated insulin is not enough to open the cells door.  So it has to increase the production of insulin. so it keeps increasing the production of the insulin in order to wake the cells to absorb the glucose. But, in given time, the cells becomes vigilant to insulin due to in activeness, and pancreas cannot generate extra insulin which is required to wake up the cells. So in this stage, we will have full blown diabetes. because the glucose content which is there in the blood will not be absorbed by the cells. so this condition is called as diabetes.

2. Smoking:  If a diabetes prone person smokes then his cells become further more in active due to lack of oxygen supply for the cells.

3. Heavy Food:  If a person have the food heavily then it cannot generate enough insulin to convert the food glucose in to energy so it will remain in the blood in the form of sugar.

4. Bad Cholesterol: If the bad Cholesterol count increases, then it will make the cells inactive. so reduce the Bad Cholesterol.     Reason for Bad Cholesterol is the Stress, pressure.  Avoid the stress and pressure of any sort like, work pressure, financial pressure, family pressure etc.


1. Have a controlled food habit. Instead of eating heavily, eat less.
2. Have the at least 40 minutes of brisk walk or running daily. this will activate the blood cells. So that it can respond to insulin.
3. Never smoke or drink.
4. Avoid all the sugar items.
5. Search in the net for food items which has less sugar and cholesterol content.

Finally all the best. Keep the health in a good condition. Unlike a century ago, now the air we breath is not pure. its almost poisonous.  Almost within 100 years we have changed the earths atmosphere by filling poisonous gas and dust in to it. So we don't have any other place to hide apart from this planet. So take a oath to avoid pollution from your side. So there by we can contribute a lot this sphere.

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